Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Nurturing touch

The Nurturing touch
Touch is vitally important to human wellbeing, especially in the modern world where social inhibitions have led to limited touching between people and the pressures of daily life mean that we all suffer from stress and tension. Massage is the ideal way to ease tension and soothe tight muscles resulting from these conditions.

In reality, massage is an advanced and conscious form of our instinctive and innate ability to offer healing through the laying-on-of-hands.

In this respect, tender loving touch may be just as important to our health as food and cleanliness.

Indeed, psychologists tell us, that stroking and caressing especially during infancy, is vital to our emotional and physical development

When touching takes the form of skilled and sensitive massage, not only does it relax and revitalise an ailing or tired body, it is also a way of communicating warmth, reassurance and a sense of self worth and we are nurtured on every level of our being.

Health benefits of massage:-

Massage enhances blood circulation, which is a vital function for our bodies to operate to full capacity.

When our circulation is less than fully efficient, our bodies are receptive to a host of different ailments, problems and illnesses.

When we do not exercise regularly, our lymphatic system will store toxins, instead of eliminating them. As the lymphatic system is being pumped clean by moving muscle tissue, lack of exercise will effect this toxin- storing action. This is a direct cause of many serious conditions. Massaging the lymphatic glands is the only other means of draining them.

By using "pressure points" while facilitating massage, virtually any organ in our system can be manipulated, eased, moved, and creating a condition of healing.

Very often, by employing massage, healing results can be achieved where drugs have failed.

And unlike drugs, massage does not have side effects. It uses all the natural energies within the body, and in a "holistic" massage-sequence, also energies all around the body, and beyond.

The physical stimulus gained in the process can only enhance healing. Massage creates an automatic feeling of relaxation, which is the basis of any healing process needed to take place.

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